Call for consultant to Supply and Install Dam Liners

Rikolto in Tanzania invites qualified consultants to supply and install dam liners for 40 horticultural demonstration plots in the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions. This project focuses on enhancing water-use efficiency in horticulture through proper installation and farmer training on water conservation techniques. The consultant will provide 40 high-quality dam liners and oversee installation and training. Interested consultants should submit their proposals, including a CV and proposed approach, to by November 15, 2024.

A woman voicing her opinion in a cooperative meeting


November 15, 2024

Terms of Reference (ToR)for consultant to Supply and Install Dam Liners for 40 HorticulturalDemonstration Plots in Kilimanjaro and Arusha Regions

1.    Introduction

Rikolto is a global organization dedicated topromoting sustainable agricultural practices, with a focus on supportingsmallholder farmers. As part of our project to enhance water-use efficiency inhorticultural production, we are seeking a consultant to supply and install damliners for 40 horticultural demonstration plots in the Kilimanjaro and Arusharegions. These plots will serve as training hubs for farmers to adoptsustainable water management techniques, contributing to improved crop yieldsand long-term agricultural sustainability.


2. Objectives

The main objective of thisconsultancy is to supply and install 40 high-quality dam liners at designateddemonstration plots. The consultant will ensure that the installation of thesedam liners enhances water conservation and supports the effective operation ofirrigation systems for vegetable production. Specifically, the consultant will:

·      Supply 40 damliners suitable for the selected demonstration plots.

·      Ensure properinstallation of the dam liners to support efficient water-use practices.

·      Providetechnical guidance on the maintenance and use of the dam liners.


3. Scope ofWork

·      The consultantwill be responsible for the following tasks:

·      Supply 40durable dam liners of appropriate size and material for horticultural use.

·      Deliver the damliners to 40 selected demonstration plots in the Kilimanjaro and Arusha regions.

·      Ensure properinstallation of the dam liners at each demonstration plot, adhering to bestpractices in water conservation and irrigation.

·      Providetraining to farmers and demonstration plot managers on maintaining andutilizing the dam liners effectively

·      Monitor andreport on the installation process to ensure each dam liner is installedcorrectly and is fully functional.


4. Deliverables

The consultant is expectedto deliver the following:

·       Supplyof 40 high-quality dam liners, each with a water storage capacity of 200,000liters, to designated demonstration plots.

·       Installation of 40 damliners at the selected demonstration plots.

·       Training for farmers andplot managers on dam liner maintenance and water management.

·       Progress reports on theinstallation process, including photos and any challenges encountered and howthey were addressed.

·       A final report documentingthe completion of the installation and recommendations for future maintenanceand scaling up.

Note: Theexcavation of the ponds will be provided as an in-kind contribution by thefarmers.


5.    Duration and Timeline

The consultancy is  expected to take place over a period of 90 working days, starting from 20th  November 2024.



6.    Required Qualifications

The ideal consultant shouldpossess the following qualifications:

·       Proven experience inprocuring and installing dam liners for agricultural use.

·      Strongtechnical knowledge of water-use efficiency technologies, particularly in horticulturalproduction.

·      Familiaritywith the use and maintenance of dam liners in the Tanzanian agriculturalcontext.

·      Experience intraining farmers on water conservation and irrigation techniques.

·      Strong projectmanagement and reporting skills.

·      Ability to workwithin the specified timeframe and deliver high-quality results.

7. Application

Interested consultants arerequested to submit their proposals, including a cover letter, CV, and a briefoutline of their proposed approach and the budget for conducting the scope ofwork outlined, to by 15th November,2024.