“Access to affordable and quality food for all, today and in the future.” This is our mission and during this corona crisis it is more relevant but also more difficult than ever.
That’s why we want to put the spotlight on all the heroes that keep going, sometimes under extreme circumstances such as today, to make sure that we have what we need. From farmers to transport employees and to anyone who puts healthy and tasty food on the table for children, the elderly, and those who are temporarily unable to do it themselves.
Food heroes in East Africa (and the rest of the world) take care of the food we put on our plate. Also, our colleagues from Rikolto continue to work to ensure better food for tomorrow. Here are their stories.
Jeremia Ayo from the Muvikiho farmer organisation in Arusha in Tanzania is a strong advocate for all food chain actors, from farmers to sellers, to work together to ensure there is food on everyone's plate: "We have all been affected by this pandemic. As farmers, we have to continue to work hard to ensure there is enough food in the country and the world, especially during the Corona crisis. Let us fight this by producing quality and safe food, and ensuring food is available, affordable and accessible to consumers. Here is my request to all food actors: Let us join together during this difficult moment to ensure people have access to quality, safe and affordable food."
In Londoto and Msitu wa Tembo, two villages in the Pangani River Basin, farmers are trying their very best to contribute to the fight against Covid-19. The village authorities are emphasising that every household should have a bucket of clean water, soap and/or spirits to wash and sanitise hands. They are also advising the community on how to prevent against Covid-19 by public announcements and putting up posters with tips in different busy locations and public places. The efforts yield positive results: Farmers are well informed and practise social distancing, wear masks and use sanitisers. However, the accessibility and affordability of the recommended equipment, such as masks and sanitisers, for poor communities is still a challenge. While the communities themselves came up with innovative solutions to address these challenges, like making local masks from clothes, it is unsure whether this is effective enough in fighting Covid-19.
For now, farmers remain healthy and they are putting a lot of effort to ensure that food is available on the market. The fields are now ready for the harvest, and the farmers get a good price for their quality fruit and vegetables. Just have a look at the produce below!
There are many more #FoodHeroes out there making sure that safe and healthy food is available during the Covid-19 pandemic. Find more stories in the links below and don’t hesitate to share their work!