Sustainable rice

Taking rice to the next level in Tanzania

April 1, 2022
Ine Tollenaers
Donor relationship Manager
Djalou Francois Bangwe
Programme Coordinator - Rice

With the Morogoro region being among the two major regions for rice cultivation, it is no surprise that the government of Tanzania decided to convene the Task Force for the National Rice Development Strategy II (NRDS II) in Morogoro. The Task Force met to plan the implementation of the NRDS II. This strategy wants to scale up the rice production to such an extent that it meets the growing regional and even continental demand for rice. It aims to double the production from two tonnes per hectare to four tonnes per hectare. Rikolto joined this task force in March this year and we sent our rice expert Djalou to Morogoro to join the meeting.

“What was so exciting about these meetings in Morogoro is that we were able to persuade the Minister of Agriculture that environmental sustainability should be integrated as a strategic element in the NRDS II interventions.”

Djalou Franco

Rice Senior Agribusiness Advisor

Djalou had a clear goal before getting on the road: Make environmental sustainability of rice production a priority in the National Rice Development Strategy II. Building on Rikolto’s experience with introducing Sustainable Rice Practices (SRP) in northern Tanzania, we want to use the opportunity presented by the National Rice Development Strategy II to scale up Sustainable Rice Practices in the rest of Tanzania. In the north, farmers have benefited greatly from changing their agricultural practices to more sustainable ones in line with the SRP standards. They have for instance noticed an increase in their production and have managed the use of water better and more sustainably.

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